I'm not Indigenous, can I wear your jewellery?

Short answer is - Yes!
Our jewellery sings our memories, stories, language and connection to Worimi and Biripi Country. Seeing our mob, our non-Indigenous allies and friends wear and rock our designs makes us feel proud. There's nothing more heart-warming than representing one of the oldest cultures on earth on your ear lobes or around your neck. In showing respect, you bring awareness to our culture and the issues that affect us today in settler-colonial Australia.
Something to keep in mind
Sometimes Indigenous business owners create products specifically for Indigenous people only to provide ways of expressing pride, identity and Blakness that is understood by us and unites our communities. In most cases mob will let you know or clearly state what is or isn't okay to wear and/or purchase. Look for tags like "Ally friendly" or "For Mob only" on Blak owned websites or product pages. If there are no tags and it is not specifically stated, then in most cases it's okay to wear and purchase. If in doubt, always drop a line and ask.
If you love our culture, support our struggles too
For mob (not that we claim to speak for all mob, we speak from our own perspective and place) it's a bit gammin to wear Indigenous merchandise and not actively support First Nations people in their struggle and ongoing fight for restorative justice across many areas such as land, health, education, culture and the justice system to name a few. Our peoples experienced and continue to experience the generational impacts and systems of colonisation. Acknowledging and understanding these realities is important in not just recognising the beauty of our cultures but the realities of being Indigenous in Australia today.

Buy 100% Blak
Finally, ensure you are purchasing from an actual Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander owned business. Know who you are buying from, do your research and always buy from Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander owned and led businesses. If you are unsure, drop a line and get in touch. Follow collectives like Trading Blak that consists of 100% Aboriginal owned and led mob calling for accountability and transparency across the business sector. Why? Sometimes, it's quite hard to know which brands are Indigenous owned and which aren't. Sadly, there are many non-Indigenous businesses adopting ideas of "Indigenousness" and incorporating 'culture' in their branding to appear Aboriginal owned without permissions and without authority. It’s best to avoid these businesses and Trading Blak helps you do that! Buying from these Aboriginal-appearing businesses is problematic, harmful and negatively impacts the integrity and culture of Indigenous peoples from which that entity is profiting. Trading Blak has done the work so customers can have the peace of mind of knowing that they are supporting First Nations owned and led businesses 100% of the time.
"Wearing Indigenous designs made by Indigenous people is what 'Indigenous appreciation' looks like in action."
July 02 2024
Beautiful art and massage.
Bronwyn Shin
May 02 2022
Thank you so much for this. It was exactly the guidance I was looking for. LOVE YOUR WORK!
November 26 2021
Thank you, really grateful for being called an ally, and for being able to wear your jewellery. Thank you for this guidance xo
November 14 2021
Thank you , so important.
Sinéad Quinn
October 27 2021
Thank you so much for this, so important to know. Privileged to wear, support and show off your amazing and beautiful culture
October 22 2021
This was really helpful can’t wait to shop!
October 22 2021
This is brilliant, thank you!!!!!